Friday, May 18, 2007

Activism and Architecture

Hello buddies-

I met with Greig Crysler today about a potential class for the fall that, very roughly, would examine the connection between social movements, activism and architecture; attempting to ground the discussion historically, looking at the movements of the 60's and beyond and asking what lessons can be learned for today. Anyway, Greig is going to but together a more formal description that would include some of the readings (which I will post when I get it, probably early june), but he is still unsure whether to make a full fledged course out of it. Options include a one credit course that would spill into a full course in the spring (bad for us thesis people), A somewhat more substantial student led course (probably 2 credits, not too formal, limited reading) or a 3 credit normal old course (still trying to keep reading down for all us illiterate M.Arch studs). Reactions, feedback and suggestions welcome and encouraged. Greig is very interested in getting student feedback to develop the course and determine its direction, so share your thoughts.

1 comment:

Christian said...

This seems fundamental to our education.